Thursday, February 25, 2021

ferocious attack

i recently picked up a double 12" comp from 1998 on Japanese label "Answer Records", mostly as it had a Cigaretteman song on it that i wanted. there's a lot of good stuff on it and i figured i'd share this one as it's a prime slice of late 90s obscuremo. full on screamy vocals backed with melodic guitar, it hits the spot in all the right ways. i think a lot of you will be into this. the band has a couple of other releases too which on this evidence would be worth tracking down. see what ya think.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

sweather weather

you all know about the sweather weather / days in december split, but probably not as many will have come across the sweater weather 7", on divot from 1996. the band featured kevin frank and ryan rapsys and unless there is an undiscovered demo floating around, this is their only other release. it's two songs, both have some delicious twinkly parts and are definitely time stamped by the mid 90s boyish vocals, fitting in with bands such as braid.

give it a go.